Weekend Academy

An-Nakhlah Academy was initiated in January 2018 with our main goal to empower our children to love and live Islam. Our self designed syllabus, interactive small practical classes, and entertaining school trips, join fun and knowledge together. This inculcates in the awareness of Allah and the fundamentals of the Deen whilst emphasising that one can still enjoy oneself when being a Muslim and practicing Islam. Specific workshops debating and tackling scientific and philosophical theories contradicting Islam are designed for the elder children, whilst those that are younger are taught principles and beliefs through stories and morals from the lives of Prophets and Messengers. Our goal is to become the focal fundamental function in empowering our children to water the seeds of Iman in their hearts, paving the avenue to make them love and live Islam!

  • Maximum of 15 students per class
  • Islamic Studies & Quran Classes
  • Arts & Crafts
  • Debates & Discussions
  • Ask the Shaykh Sessions
  • School Trips
  • Fun & Educational



The syllabus used for the An-Nakhlah Academy has been designed and written by us. Two separate course booklets running from levels 1 to 10 have been produced for our students. Children between the ages of 4-9 will study the “Workbook” booklets, whilst those between the ages of 10-15 are taught through the “Coursenotes” booklets. Whilst both booklets incorporate similar subjects and sciences throughout its levels, the “Coursenotes” booklets are designed for a more advanced study and discussion of its content, whereas the “Workbook” booklets are heavily based on activities, arts and crafts and lessons through stories and incidents. 

Both booklets consist of a number of subjects including Quran, Arabic, Tafseer, Fiqh, Seerah, Aqeedah, Hadith, Du’as and Islamic morals and etiquettes. However, our five core sciences designed to educate our students are Aqeedah, Fiqh, Hadith, Seerah and Stories of the Prophets. 

The fee structure for An-Nakhlah Academy is as follows:

Payment Options:
Fees can be paid every four weeks or in full at the beginning of the term.
Admissions Fee
A one-time admissions fee of £20 is required for each child upon enrollment.
Tuition Fees
The fee for one child is £75 every four weeks (approximately one month) or £190 per term (approximately 13 weeks).
A consecutive discount of £15 per term is applied to each additional child from the same family.

For example,
the first child’s fee is £190 per term, the second child’s fee is £175 per term, the third child’s fee is £160 per term, and so forth.
This progressive discount ensures affordability for families with multiple children enrolled.

An-Naklah Academy Term dates 2024-2025

Term 1

Classes 14/09/24 - 15/12/24 (2 weeks half term Oct 26- Nov 3)
Holidays (2 weeks end of year break)

Term 2

Classes 04/01/25 - 23/03/25 (no break due to Ramadhan and Eid)
Holidays (3 weeks Ramadhan and Eid break)

Term 3

Classes 19/04/25 - 13/07/25
Holidays (eid break 7-8 June)

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